( Usage: uxncli uxnlin.rom src.tal ) |10 @Console &vector $2 &read $1 &pad $4 &type $1 &write $1 &error $1 |a0 @File &vector $2 &success $2 &stat $2 &delete $1 &append $1 &name $2 &length $2 &read $2 &write $2 |000 @src $40 @token $30 &last $30 &last2 $30 @scope $20 @stats &lines $2 &tokens $2 &warnings $2 ( @|vectors ) |100 @on-reset ( -> ) ;meta #06 DEO2 ;await-src .Console/vector DEO2 .Console/type DEI ?{ ;dict/usage ;on-interactive .Console/vector DEO2 } BRK @meta $1 ( name ) "Uxnlin 0a ( desc ) "Uxntal 20 "Linter 0a ( auth ) "By 20 "Devine 20 "Lu 20 "Linvega 0a ( date ) "1 20 "Nov 20 "2024 $1 ( exts ) 00 @await-src ( -> ) .Console/read DEI .src skey ?{ BRK } ;dict/default-scope ;scope ;src ( halt ) #800f DEO BRK @on-interactive ( -> ) .Console/read DEI .src skey ?{ BRK } ;dict/default-scope ;scope ;src DUP2 #0a18 DEO ( | cleanup ) BRK ( @|core ) @ ( src* -- ) .File/name DEO2 #0001 .File/length DEO2 &>s ( -- ) ;&c .File/read DEO2 .File/success DEI2 ORA ?{ ! } [ LIT &c $1 ] walk !&>s @walk ( char -- ) DUP #0a NEQ ?{ .stats/lines LDZ2k INC2 ROT STZ2 } DUP #20 GTH ?&append POP ;token LDAk ?parse-token POP2 JMP2r &append ( char -- ) ;token slen NIP #30 LTH ?{ POP ;tokenlen ! } ;token !sput @walk-comment ( t* -- ) ;&c feof ? [ LIT2 &c $1 "( ] NEQk ?{ ;dict/nested } INC NEQ ?walk-comment ! @walk-block ( t* -- ) ;&c feof ? [ LIT2 &c $1 "[ ] INC INC NEQ ?walk-block reset ! @parse-token ( t* -- ) LDAk [ LIT "( ] EQU ?walk-comment LDAk [ LIT "[ ] EQU ?walk-block ( blank ) LDAk #00 EQU ? ( token count ) .stats/tokens LDZ2k INC2 ROT STZ2 ( new scope ) DUP2 is-scope #00 EQU ?{ INC2k ;scope } ( include ) LDA [ LIT "~ ] EQU ?include ;rules2/end ;rules2 &>loop2 ( -- ) ( a ) DUP2 ;token/last scmp-wild STH scap/ INC2 ( b ) DUP2 ;token scmp-wild STH scap/ INC2 ANDr STHr #00 EQU ?{ LDA2k } INC2 INC2 GTH2k ?&>loop2 POP2 POP2 ( | 3 elements ) ;rules3/end ;rules3 &>loop3 ( -- ) ( a ) DUP2 ;token/last2 scmp-wild STH scap/ INC2 ( b ) DUP2 ;token/last scmp-wild STH scap/ INC2 ( c ) DUP2 ;token scmp-wild STH scap/ INC2 ANDr ANDr STHr #00 EQU ?{ LDA2k } INC2 INC2 GTH2k ?&>loop3 POP2 POP2 ( | literal duplicates: #1234 #1234 ) ;token is-static #00 EQU ?{ ;token ;token/last scmp #00 EQU ?{ ;static-dup } } ( | fall-through ) ;token LDA [ LIT "@ NEQ ] ?{ ;token/last is-jump #00 EQU ?{ ;token INC2 ;token/last INC2 scmp #00 EQU ?{ ;fall-through } } } ( | dead-region ) ;token/last is-jump/strict #00 EQU ?{ ;token is-static ;token is-opcode ORA #00 EQU ?{ ;dead-region } } &cleanup ( -- ) ;token/last ;token/last2 ;token DUP2 ;token/last ! @reset ( -- ) ;token ;token/last ;token/last2 ! @include ( -- ) ;token scap/ #000a SUB2 ;dict/assets-tal scmp ?{ ;src DUP2 ;token INC2 OVR2 .File/name DEO2 #0000 .stats/lines STZ2 } !reset ( @|helpers ) @is-scope ( str* -- flag ) LDAk [ LIT "@ ] NEQ ?&fail INC2k LDA ciuc ?&fail POP2 #01 JMP2r &fail ( str* -- flag ) POP2 #00 JMP2r @is-jump ( str* -- flag ) DUP2 ;brk scmp ?&pass DUP2 ;jmp scmp3 ?&pass LDAk [ LIT "? ] EQU ?&pass &strict ( str* -- flag ) LDAk [ LIT "! ] EQU ?&pass POP2 #00 JMP2r &pass ( str* -- flag ) POP2 #01 JMP2r @is-litbyte ( str* -- flag ) LDAk [ LIT ", ] EQU ?&pass LDAk [ LIT ". ] EQU ?&pass LDAk [ LIT "# ] EQU ?&hex POP2 #00 JMP2r &hex ( str* -- flag ) slen NIP #03 EQU JMP2r &pass ( str* -- flag ) POP2 #01 JMP2r @is-routine ( str* -- flag ) LDA !cilc @is-litshort ( str* -- flag ) LDAk [ LIT "; ] EQU ?&pass LDAk [ LIT "# ] EQU ?&hex POP2 #00 JMP2r &hex ( str* -- flag ) slen NIP #05 EQU JMP2r &pass ( str* -- flag ) POP2 #01 JMP2r @is-static ( token* -- flag ) ( ) STH2k is-litshort ( ) STH2r is-litbyte ORA JMP2r @is-opcode ( string* -- f ) DUP2 ;opcodes/brk scmp3 ?find-opcode/on-found ( >> ) @find-opcode ( name* -- byte ) ,&t STR2 #2000 &>l ( -- ) #00 OVR #03 MUL ;opcodes ADD2 [ LIT2 &t $2 ] scmp3 ?&on-found INC GTHk ?&>l POP2 #00 JMP2r &on-found POP2 #01 JMP2r @scmp-wild ( a* b* -- flag ) OVR2 LDA [ LIT "{ ] EQU ?scmp-template OVR2 LDA [ LIT "< ] EQU ?scmp-lut !scmp-star @scmp-lut ( a* b* -- flag ) SWP2 ,&t STR2 ;dictionaries/end ;dictionaries &>l ( -- ) LDA2k [ LIT2 &t $2 ] scmp ?&dict-match #0004 ADD2 GTH2k ?&>l ,&t LDR2 #0a18 DEO POP2 POP2 POP2 #00 JMP2r &dict-match ( target* to* from* -- flag ) NIP2 INC2 INC2 LDA2 SWP2 afnd INC2 ORA JMP2r @scmp-template ( a* b* -- flag ) SWP2 INC2 LDA ( ) DUP [ LIT "1 ] NEQ ?{ POP !is-litbyte } ( ) DUP [ LIT "2 ] NEQ ?{ POP !is-litshort } ( ) DUP [ LIT "% ] NEQ ?{ POP !is-routine } POP JMP2r ( @|print ) @ ( str* -- ) .stats/warnings LDZ2k INC2 ROT STZ2 [ LIT2 "- 19 ] DEOk DEO #2019 DEO ;token #2019 DEO [ LIT2 "" 19 ] DEO [ LIT2 "" 19 ] DEO ! @ ( str* -- ) .stats/warnings LDZ2k INC2 ROT STZ2 [ LIT2 "- 19 ] DEOk DEO #2019 DEO ;token/last #2019 DEO ;token #2019 DEO [ LIT2 "" 19 ] DEO [ LIT2 "" 19 ] DEO ! @ ( str* -- ) .stats/warnings LDZ2k INC2 ROT STZ2 [ LIT2 "- 19 ] DEOk DEO #2019 DEO ;token/last2 #2019 DEO ;token/last #2019 DEO ;token #2019 DEO [ LIT2 "" 19 ] DEO [ LIT2 "" 19 ] DEO @ ( -- ) ;dict/in-txt ;scope ;dict/at-txt ;src [ LIT2 ": 19 ] DEO .stats/lines LDZ2 INC2 #0a19 DEO JMP2r @ ( -- ) ;dict/linted-txt ;src #2019 DEO ;dict/with-txt #2019 DEO .stats/tokens LDZ2 #2019 DEO ;dict/tokens-txt [ LIT2 ", 19 ] DEO #2019 DEO .stats/warnings LDZ2 #2019 DEO ;dict/warnings-txt #0a19 DEO JMP2r ( @|stdlib ) @feof ( addr* -: f ) .File/read DEO2 .File/success DEI2 #0000 EQU2 JMP2r @ciuc ( c -- f ) [ LIT "A ] SUB #19 LTH JMP2r @cilc ( c -- f ) DUP [ LIT "< ] NEQ ?{ POP #01 JMP2r } [ LIT "a ] SUB #1a LTH JMP2r @scap ( str* -- end* ) INC2 & LDAk ?scap JMP2r @sput ( chr str* -- ) scap/ STA JMP2r @slen ( str* -- len* ) DUP2 scap/ SWP2 SUB2 JMP2r @scmp-star ( a* b* -- f ) STH2 &>l ( -- ) LDAk [ LIT "* ] EQU ?&pass LDAkr [ LITr "* ] EQUr STHr ?&pass LDAk LDAkr STHr ANDk #00 EQU ?&e NEQk ?&e POP2 INC2 INC2r !&>l &e ( -- ) NIP2 POP2r EQU JMP2r &pass ( a* | b* -- f ) POP2 POP2r #01 JMP2r @scmp ( a* b* -- f ) STH2 &>l ( -- ) LDAk ?{ &d LDA LDAr STHr EQU JMP2r } LDAk LDAkr STHr NEQ ?&d INC2 INC2r !&>l @ ( str* -- ) #00 ROT ROT &w ( -- ) STAk INC2 LDAk ?&w STA JMP2r @ ( src* dst* -- ) STH2 &w ( -- ) LDAk #00 STH2kr STA2 INC2r INC2 LDAk ?&w POP2 POP2r JMP2r @skey ( key buf -- proc ) OVR #21 LTH ?&eval #00 SWP sput #00 JMP2r &eval POP2 #01 JMP2r @scmp3 ( a* b* -- f ) STH2 LDAkr LDAk STHr NEQ ?{ INC2r INC2 } LDA2r LDA2 STH2r EQU2 JMP2r @afnd ( array* target* -- * ) STH2 &>w ( -- ) DUP2 STH2kr scmp ?&end scap/ INC2 LDAk ?&>w POP2 #ffff &end POP2r JMP2r @ ( -- ) #0000 &>w ( -- ) STZk INC NEQk ?&>w POP2 JMP2r @ ( short* -- ) ORAk ?{ POP2 [ LIT2 "0 18 ] DEO JMP2r } #2710 [ LIT2r 00fb ] &>w ( -- ) DIV2k #000a DIV2k MUL2 SUB2 SWPr EQUk OVR STHkr EQU AND ?{ DUP [ LIT "0 ] ADD #19 DEO INCr } POP2 #000a DIV2 SWPr INCr STHkr ?&>w POP2r POP2 POP2 JMP2r @ ( str* -- ) LDAk #18 DEO INC2 LDAk ? POP2 JMP2r @ ( str* -- ) LDAk #19 DEO INC2 LDAk ? POP2 JMP2r @dictionaries =any-1x-lut =any-1x-lut/lut =any-2x-lut =any-2x-lut/lut =anyr-2x-lut =anyr-2x-lut/lut =any2-1x-lut =any2-1x-lut/lut =anyk-20-lut =anyk-20-lut/lut =any2-2x-lut =any2-2x-lut/lut =any-12-lut =any-12-lut/lut =noswp-lut =noswp-lut/lut =noswp2-lut =noswp2-lut/lut =any1-11-lut =any1-11-lut/lut =ari1-2x-lut =ari1-2x-lut/lut =ari2-2x-lut =ari2-2x-lut/lut &end @any-1x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 1 byte ) "INC $1 "DUP $1 "POP $1 ] $1 @any-2x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 bytes ) "ADD $1 "SUB $1 "MUL $1 "DIV $1 "GTH $1 "LTH $1 "EQU $1 "NEQ $1 "AND $1 "ORA $1 "EOR $1 "SWP $1 "SFT $1 "LDA $1 "JCN $1 "STZ $1 "NIP $1 "STR $1 "DEO $1 "JMP2 $1 "STH2 $1 ] $1 @anyr-2x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 bytes, from return stack ) "ADDr $1 "SUBr $1 "MULr $1 "DIVr $1 "GTHr $1 "LTHr $1 "EQUr $1 "NEQr $1 "ANDr $1 "ORAr $1 "EORr $1 "SWPr $1 "SFTr $1 "LDAr $1 "JCNr $1 "STZr $1 "NIPr $1 "STRr $1 "DEOr $1 "JMP2r $1 "STH2r $1 ] $1 @any2-1x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 1 short ) "INC2 $1 "DUP2 $1 "POP2 $1 ] $1 @anyk-20-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 bytes ) "JMP2k $1 "JCNk $1 "JSR2k $1 "STH2k $1 "STZk $1 "STRk $1 "DEOk $1 "POP2k $1 ] $1 @any2-2x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 shorts ) "ADD2 $1 "SUB2 $1 "MUL2 $1 "DIV2 $1 "GTH2 $1 "LTH2 $1 "EQU2 $1 "NEQ2 $1 "AND2 $1 "ORA2 $1 "EOR2 $1 "SWP2 $1 "STA2 $1 "OVR2 $1 "NIP2 $1 ] $1 @any-12-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 1 byte, make 2 bytes ) "DUPk $1 "LDZ2 $1 "DEI2 $1 "LDR2 $1 ] $1 @noswp-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 bytes, any order ) "ADD $1 "MUL $1 "EQU $1 "NEQ $1 "ORA $1 "AND $1 "EOR $1 ] $1 @noswp2-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 bytes, any order ) "ADD2 $1 "MUL2 $1 "EQU2 $1 "NEQ2 $1 "ORA2 $1 "AND2 $1 "EOR2 $1 ] $1 @any1-11-lut " $1 &lut [ ( pop 1 bytes, push 1 byte ) "INC $1 "LDZ $1 "STR $1 "DEI $1 ] $1 @ari1-2x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 bytes ) "ADD $1 "SUB $1 "MUL $1 "DIV $1 "GTH $1 "LTH $1 "EQU $1 "NEQ $1 "AND $1 "ORA $1 "EOR $1 "NIP $1 "SWP $1 ] $1 @ari2-2x-lut " $1 &lut [ ( consume 2 shorts ) "ADD2 $1 "SUB2 $1 "MUL2 $1 "DIV2 $1 "GTH2 $1 "LTH2 $1 "EQU2 $1 "NEQ2 $1 "AND2 $1 "ORA2 $1 "EOR2 $1 "NIP2 $1 "SWP2 $1 ] $1 @opcodes [ "LIT "INC "POP "NIP "SWP "ROT "DUP "OVR "EQU "NEQ "GTH "LTH "JMP "JCN "JSR "STH "LDZ "STZ "LDR "STR "LDA "STA "DEI "DEO "ADD "SUB "MUL "DIV "AND "ORA "EOR "SFT &brk "BRK ] @dict &usage "usage: 20 "uxnlin.rom 20 "input.tal 0a $1 &in-txt ", 20 "in 20 $1 &at-txt ", 20 "at 20 $1 &linted-txt "Linted 20 $1 &with-txt "with $1 &tokens-txt "tokens $1 &lines-txt "lines $1 &default-scope "@on-reset $1 &warnings-txt "warnings. $1 &assets-tal "assets.tal $1 &nested "Nested 20 "comment $1 ( @|hints ) @redundance "Redundance $1 ( opcode effects cancel each other ) @static "Static-Arithmetic $1 ( arithmetic opcode on two static literals ) @static-dup "Static-Duplicate $1 ( two identical static literals ) @keep "Unkept $1 ( opcode should use non-destructive keep mode ) @unsafe "Unsafe $1 ( bitwise opcode used in relative jump ) @unstashed "Unstashed $1 ( literal was created on the wrong stack ) @latestack "Late-stack $1 ( arithmetic performed after stashing ) @eagerstack "Eager-stack $1 ( arithmetic performed before stashing ) @tokenlen "Token-length $1 ( token is longer than 24 characters ) @combine "Combine $1 ( sequences of two literal bytes ) @uncalled "Uncalled $1 ( using JSR when could be calling ) @tailcall "Tailcall $1 ( should be a jmi ) @tailjump "Tailjump $1 ( should jump to tailcall ) @fall-through "Fall-through $1 ( jumping to the next label ) @dead-region "Dead-region $1 ( unlabeled content after jumps ) @hop "Hop $1 ( jci over jmi ) @nested "Nested $1 ( nested square brackets ) @cmporder "Static-order $1 ( postfix static ) ( @|specifics ) @inc "INC $1 @inc2 "INC2 $1 @inc-twice "INC 20 "INC $1 @inc2-twice "INC2 20 "INC2 $1 @1jcn "#01 20 "JCN $1 @pop2 "POP2 $1 @pop2r "POP2r $1 @ovr "OVR $1 @ovrk "OVRk $1 @ovr2k "OVR2k $1 @inck "INCk $1 @inc2k "INC2k $1 @brk "BRK $1 @jmp "JMP $1 @jmp2 "JMP2 $1 @jmp2r "JMP2r $1 @ora "ORA $1 @nip "NIP $1 @nip2 "NIP2 $1 @and "AND $1 @sft01 "#01 20 "SFT $1 @sft02 "#02 20 "SFT $1 @sft03 "#03 20 "SFT $1 @sft04 "#04 20 "SFT $1 @sft05 "#05 20 "SFT $1 @sft06 "#06 20 "SFT $1 @sft07 "#07 20 "SFT $1 @sft10 "#10 20 "SFT $1 @sft20 "#20 20 "SFT $1 @sft30 "#30 20 "SFT $1 @sft40 "#40 20 "SFT $1 @sft50 "#50 20 "SFT $1 @sft60 "#60 20 "SFT $1 @sft70 "#70 20 "SFT $1 @sft201 "#01 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft202 "#02 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft203 "#03 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft204 "#04 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft205 "#05 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft206 "#06 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft207 "#07 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft208 "#08 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft209 "#09 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft20a "#0a 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft20b "#0b 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft20c "#0c 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft20d "#0d 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft20e "#0e 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft20f "#0f 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft210 "#10 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft220 "#20 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft230 "#30 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft240 "#40 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft250 "#50 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft260 "#60 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft270 "#70 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft280 "#80 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft290 "#90 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft2a0 "#a0 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft2b0 "#b0 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft2c0 "#c0 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft2d0 "#d0 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft2e0 "#e0 20 "SFT2 $1 @sft2f0 "#f0 20 "SFT2 $1 @00ovr "#00 20 "OVR $1 @0000ovr2 "#0000 20 "OVR2 $1 @pop "POP $1 @dup "DUP $1 @dup2 "DUP2 $1 @dupadd "DUP 20 "ADD $1 @dup2add2 "DUP2 20 "ADD2 $1 @orak00equ "ORAk 20 "#00 20 "EQU $1 @rotswp "ROT 20 "SWP $1 @rot2swp2 "ROT2 20 "SWP2 $1 @ldakrsthr "LDAkr 20 "STHr $1 @ldaksth "LDAk 20 "STH $1 @inc2ora "INC2 20 "ORA $1 @0000neq2 "#0000 20 "NEQ2 $1 @00neq "#00 20 "NEQ $1 @0000equ2 "#0000 20 "EQU2 $1 @00equ "#00 20 "EQU $1 @inc2lda "INC2 20 "LDA $1 @ldz0equ "LDZ 20 "#00 20 "EQU $1 @lda0equ "LDA 20 "#00 20 "EQU $1 @ldr0equ "LDR 20 "#00 20 "EQU $1 @sthsth "STH 20 "STH $1 @sthrsthr "STHr 20 "STHr $1 ( @|rules ) @rules2 "STH $1 "STHr $1 =redundance "STH2 $1 "STH2r $1 =redundance "STHr $1 "STH $1 =redundance "STH2r $1 "STH2 $1 =redundance "STH $1 "STHkr $1 =redundance "STH2 $1 "STH2kr $1 =redundance "STHr $1 "STHk $1 =redundance "STH2r $1 "STH2k $1 =redundance "STH2r $1 "POP2 $1 =redundance "STH2 $1 "POP2r $1 =redundance "STHr $1 "POP $1 =redundance "STH $1 "POPr $1 =redundance "DUP $1 "SWP $1 =redundance "DUP2 $1 "SWP2 $1 =redundance "SWP $1 "SWP $1 =redundance "SWP2 $1 "SWP2 $1 =redundance "SWPr $1 "SWPr $1 =redundance "SWP2r $1 "SWP2r $1 =redundance "DUP $1 "POP $1 =redundance "DUP2 $1 "POP2 $1 =redundance "JMP2r $1 "JMP2r $1 =redundance "JMP2r $1 "JMP2 $1 =redundance "JMP2r $1 "JMP $1 =redundance "JMP2r $1 "BRK $1 =redundance "JMP2 $1 "JMP2r $1 =redundance "JMP2 $1 "JMP2 $1 =redundance "JMP2 $1 "JMP $1 =redundance "JMP2 $1 "BRK $1 =redundance "JMP $1 "JMP2r $1 =redundance "JMP $1 "JMP2 $1 =redundance "JMP $1 "JMP $1 =redundance "JMP $1 "BRK $1 =redundance "!* $1 "JMP2r $1 =redundance "!* $1 "JMP2 $1 =redundance "!* $1 "JMP $1 =redundance "!* $1 "BRK $1 =redundance "BRK $1 "BRK $1 =redundance "#ff $1 "GTH $1 =redundance "#ffff $1 "GTH2 $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "LTH $1 =redundance "#0000 $1 "LTH2 $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "ADD $1 =redundance "#0000 $1 "ADD2 $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "SUB $1 =redundance "#0000 $1 "SUB2 $1 =redundance "#01 $1 "MUL $1 =redundance "#0001 $1 "MUL2 $1 =redundance "#01 $1 "DIV $1 =redundance "#0001 $1 "DIV2 $1 =redundance "#ff $1 "AND $1 =redundance "#ffff $1 "AND2 $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "ORA $1 =redundance "#0000 $1 "ORA2 $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "EOR $1 =redundance "#0000 $1 "EOR2 $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "SFT $1 =redundance "#00 $1 "SFT2 $1 =redundance "SWP $1 "POP2 $1 =redundance " $1 "POP2 $1 =redundance "SWPr $1 "STH2r $1 =sthrsthr "SWP $1 "STH2 $1 =sthsth "STH2r $1 "SWP $1 =sthrsthr "STH2 $1 "SWPr $1 =sthsth "#00ff $1 "GTH2 $1 =ovr "AND $1 "JMP $1 =unsafe "ORA $1 "JMP $1 =unsafe "EOR $1 "JMP $1 =unsafe "#* $1 "JMP $1 =unsafe "#* $1 "JSR $1 =unsafe "{1} $1 "INC $1 =static "{2} $1 "INC2 $1 =static "{1} $1 "STHk $1 =static "{2} $1 "STH2k $1 =static "SWP $1 "POP $1 =nip "SWP2 $1 "POP2 $1 =nip2 "#01 $1 "ADD $1 =inc "#0001 $1 "ADD2 $1 =inc2 "#02 $1 "ADD $1 =inc-twice "#0002 $1 "ADD2 $1 =inc2-twice "LDA2 $1 "NIP $1 =inc2lda "POP $1 "POP $1 =pop2 "NIP $1 "POP $1 =pop2 "NIP $1 "STH $1 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